Tools for the Trail is a non-profit organization established to bring innovative solutions, skills and trainings that improve the physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional skills of others. Strong people raise strong children; strong individuals and families create strong communities. Our desire is to empower people with the skills that they need to live their best life, regardless of their circumstance. If we become a pro-active society vs. a reactive society, we can help solve some of the greatest issues in our communities.
We encourage professionals to share their solutions, tools and unique skill sets via our pay-it-forward approach to strengthen others. Each community is impacted by their own series of challenges. Certain communities may be challenged with bullying, depression, mental health issues, limited access to care and resources, poverty, drugs, suicide or a combination of several of these barriers. By bringing solutions to communities proactively, we believe we can reduce negative events and create healthier and happier outcomes.
So what does this look like?
Recently, the Tools for the Trail team conducted a seminar in Eagle, Idaho. Attendees included children advocates, Idaho Health and Welfare representatives, counselors, professionals and business owners. Arbinger curriculum was taught to attendees on how to develop an outward mindset, which helps develop mental stability and self-awareness. This training can help prevent bullying, depression, isolation and improve social skills and mental health. Arbinger can also help create stronger minds and encourage introspection. This is just one example of a proactive approach that helps improve someone’s whole being. Attendees such as teachers, counselors, etc. were encouraged to pay-it-forward and teach this unique curriculum to the youth they interact with.
How It Works
Many of us have valuable knowledge and areas of expertise that we can bring together to solve difficult challenges within our community. When we share our knowledge and solutions it has an exponential impact. Through a knowledge cascade: the diffusion of expertise and collaboration, a proactive approach is used to solve serious situations versus just react to them. These situations, are not limited to but include drug use, bullying, isolation, suicide, depression and other issues. Most solutions are designed to be reactive to these issues versus preventing them. We want to be proactive and help these negative outcomes diminish or not occur at all.
The Cascading Effect
We can strengthen one another and build stronger communities by empowering our individuals, children, and families. We encourage professionals and community leaders that have unique skill sets, trainings and expertise to share their talents with the masses and create a cascading effect.